CEFR A1 to C2 & Explanation For English Students

At A1 English level, also known as “super beginner”, you have very limited English proficiency. You can find out your level of English on a scale from 1 (beginner) to 9 (very advanced). Once you have reached English level B1, your English skills are at an “intermediate” level. Once you reach level C2, you will be considered an advanced English speaker.


Our Learn Laugh Speak Fluency Program can help you learn English past the CEFR levels. However, we know some folks might be curious about what “CEFR levels” actually are. That’s where this article comes in handy. We’ll provide details on the CEFR framework and what it means for grammar and vocabulary development from the A1 (beginner) to B2 (intermediate) levels and leaving our students at c2

The Level C2 the pinnacle of all levels

A C2 speaker may have studied English for many years, regularly or even daily practicing it with native speakers. Level C1 is common among people who have long lived in English-speaking countries. This means that English speakers are at the same level as native speakers (but not exactly “native speakers”), with complete confidence and control over English.

A1 Explained – CEFR levels

Can communicate easily if the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help. CEFR Proficiency Level Description Beginner A1 You can use simple sentences to meet basic needs, and you can engage in basic interactions if the other person speaks clearly.

Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and the simplest phrases aimed at satisfying a particular type of need. He understands a wide range of long and complex texts and also understands implied meanings.

Writing – CEFR levels

You can write simple, connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. If you are at level A1, you can understand some common phrases and words in English. Level A1 refers to native speakers who have a basic knowledge of the English language.

Six reference levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) are becoming accepted as the European standard for assessing individual language skills. One of the most used English language standards in the world is the CEFR standard, which divides the competence into 3 broader levels (A, B and C) and 6 more specific levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2).

All CEFR language levels were originally created by the Council of Europe to standardize language skills. Language levels are regulated internationally, in Europe through the Common European Competence Framework (CEFR).

The common 6 – CEFR levels

For address mapping, reference level descriptions (RLDs) for national and regional languages ??have been developed that provide detailed content specifications for the various CEFR levels. A language user can develop different levels of proficiency in each of four broad areas, and to describe these, CEFR has provided a set of six common reference levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). The following three tables, used to introduce the six levels, are a summary of the original bank of “illustrative descriptors” developed and validated for CEFR by the Swiss National Research Project described in Appendix B of this volume.

The other levels constitute one of the origins of the six-level CEFR scale. CEFR is an international guide for measuring language skills, using a scale from A1 (for beginners) to C2 (for foreign language teachers). CEFR English proficiency is an excellent tool to measure your current language skills.

Informal Environments – A1 English level

However, many language learners use CEFR levels for self-assessment so that they can more clearly define what they need to do and understand what they want to achieve in the language they are learning. Language learners often inadvertently use levels to explain their ability to speak, read, write and understand language. Some terms represent skill levels in the CEFR system and are used by language learners to measure their language proficiency.

The Common European Framework divides students into three main divisions, which can be divided into two levels; for each level, it describes what the student must be able to read, listen, speak and write. Usually there are three levels of language learning: beginner, intermediate and advanced. Most interactive English learners take an average of 12 weeks to complete a level.

In more informal language learning environments, or when you learn languages ??simply because you like them, CEFR levels are just another tool to help you learn languages. CEFR level is only really needed if you want to locate the target language.

The Requirements and importance 

Please review the English level requirements for each course before completing the registration form. You can also take official language proficiency tests such as IELTS, which will confirm your level of English for employers, colleges and universities. The easiest way to assess your level of English proficiency is to take a language proficiency test that covers basic general areas such as reading, vocabulary and grammar. With these levels, you can easily practice your skills in about 40 different languages.

The Canadians know how to do it

For example, the Vancouver English Language Center provides a comprehensive equivalence table between different forms of the TOEFL test, the Cambridge exam, the VEC and CEFR level system.

As a result of the symposium, the Swiss National Science Foundation launched a project to develop language proficiency levels, which led to the creation of the “European Language Portfolio”, a certification of language skills that can be used throughout Europe. At the end of 2006-2010 Keio University has spearheaded an ambitious “Action-Oriented Multilingual Language Learning Project” inspired by CEFR to promote multi-channel and cross-lingual collaboration in the creation of learning materials and assessment systems from infant to university level.

This training course is used mostly by people from Asian countries to prepare for an English test, or a job abroad in an English speaking company. The Learn Laugh Speak Fluency method of learning grammar, reading and writing skills are integrated into this course which makes it an effective course for students who wish to master the language effectivel

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