Understand the English Level A1

The A1 level is the very first level of English language proficiency. It is actually the base level to which all other levels are compared to. If you want to measure your skills against a global standard, then this is what you need to know!

What is A1?

A1 is the first level of English language proficiency. A1 level English learners can understand and use basic phrases and sentences. They can communicate in simple ways.

A1 is the first level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

-understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type
-introduce themselves and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where they live, people they know and things they have
-can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help
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Who can learn it?

1. Who can learn it?
Anyone can learn Level A English, regardless of their prior knowledge or experience. However, it is recommended for those who are new to the language or have a low level of proficiency.
2. What will I learn?
At Level A English, students will learn basic grammar and vocabulary. They will also be introduced to simple sentence structures and common phrases.
3. How long will it take?
Level A English generally takes around 120 hours to complete.
4. What is the cost?
The cost of Level A English will vary depending on the institution and the country in which you study. However, it is typically around $200 USD. With Learn Laugh Speak, it is just 24.99USD per month. Depending on how many hours you can do per month is how long it will take to complete the level.

The English Alphabet

The English alphabet is made up of 26 letters, each with its own unique sound. The most common way to learn the alphabet is by saying each letter out loud as you point to it. There are also many songs and games that can help you remember the order of the letters.
Once you know the alphabet, you can start learning how to read and write in English!

Uncountable Nouns

There are some nouns in English that can’t be counted. They are called ‘uncountable nouns’. You can’t say ‘a water’ or ‘three musics’.
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Here are some more examples of uncountable nouns:
  • information
  • advice
  • news
  • progress
  • work
  • effort
  • growth

Countable Nouns

Countable nouns are those objects which can be counted using numbers. They have singular and plural forms, and the plural form is usually created by adding ‘s’ to the end of the word. For example,
Singular: book
Plural: books
Some countable nouns have irregular plural forms, and these must be learned separately. For example,
Singular: child
Plural: children

Articles in English: A, The, An 

If you’re just starting to learn English, it’s likely that you’ve been confused by all of the different articles. In this article, we’ll explain the three articles in English simply and easily!
When do we use “a/an”?
We use “a/an” when we’re referring to someone or something for the first time. For example:
“I saw a dog on my way to work.”
“Can I borrow an umbrella from you?”
When do we use “the”?
We use “the” when we’re referring to someone or something that is already known to both the speaker and the person they’re talking to. For example:
“The sun is really hot today!”
“I’m going to visit my friend in the hospital.”

Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives and adverbs are two important parts of speech in English. Adjectives describe, identify and quantify people or things and usually go in front of a noun. They don’t change if the noun is plural.

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Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs and usually come after the verb. For example:
He’s a slow driver. (adjective)
He drives slowly. (adverb)
Adjectives can be used as attributive adjectives before a noun or as predicative adjectives after a linking verb such as be, seem, look etc. For example:
I have two sisters, an older one and a younger one. (attributive)
My older sister is taller than me but my younger sister is shorter. (predicative)

Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous tense is one of the most used verb tenses in English. It’s used to describe an action that’s happening now, or around now. For example:
I am writing this blog post.
You are reading it.
We are helping you understand the present continuous tense!
They are being really good today.
It can be confusing for learners because often times in other languages there is no direct translation for the present continuous tense – it just doesn’t exist! In Spanish, for example, you would just use the present tense for all of these sentences. So it’s important to learn how to form and use the present continuous tense if you want to speak English fluently.

Future Continuous Tense

The Future Continuous Tense is used to describe an action that will be happening at some point in the future. For example, “I will be studying for my test tomorrow.” The Future Continuous is made up of two parts: the verb “to be” and the present participle of the main verb (in this case, “studying”). To form the Future Continuous, you simply take the infinitive form of the main verb and add “-ing”.
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Past Continuous Tense   – Present Simple tenses   – Past Simple tenses
The Level A explained for English learners simply and easily! Making for a quick understanding, a library addition by Learn Laugh Speak
1. Past Continuous Tense – The past continuous tense is used to describe an action that was happening at a specific point in the past. For example, “I was studying for my test when she called.” This tense is formed by using the past tense of the verb “to be” (was/were) and the present participle of the main verb (studying).
2. Present Simple Tense – The present simple tense is used to describe an action that happens regularly or is true in general. For example, “I study English every day.” This tense is formed by using the base form of the verb (study).
3. Past Simple Tense – The past simple tense is used to describe an action that happened in the past and is now finished. For example, “I studied for my test yesterday.” This tense is formed by using the past tense of the main verb (studied).

Thank you for reading!

This was written by me. Bryce Purnell, founder of Learn Laugh Speak.

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