It is the IELTS testing not the end of the world

The most important thing you need to know going into your IELTS exam is not what you think!

The IELTS exam is important, but it’s not the end of the world. In fact, I believe that recently this test has been blown out of proportion. Being an English teacher, I have heard many students asking if they can “teach” the test. It’s crazy! The IELTS exam is actually on the English language reading, writing, speaking, and listening. I want to stress to my students that this test is about confidence in your own self. Your results are based on your confidence levels. So, being a confident speaker 90% of the time is half of the battle with English learning!

Confidence is the key and losing that self doubt

When you are learning something you want to learn your brain naturally will focus on the areas that you are enjoying. If you hate grammar, then stop trying to learn it! Focus on the parts of English language learning that bring you joy. This will make the process easier and faster for you. Also, remember that practice makes perfect so don’t be afraid to speak in English as often as possible! We focus on what we want to learn to learn and do not what we hate.

Focus on yourself, followed by the English Language you love not the test you doubt

When you focus on the language and how fun it is to learn, your brain will soak up the information like a sponge! You want to be excited about learning English so that you can use it in your everyday life. Speaking with native speakers, watching movies, reading books- all of these are great ways to improve your language skills. The more you use the language, the better you will become at it!

Stress free learning environment and a new perspective of learning. Listen to this if you doubt yourself in a boxing match you will lose this match 100% self doubt in speaking is the same with language but you have been told your Wrong since you were beginning Learning. Tell yourself you are good at English. You can speak . You will speak. Just have fun with the language and you will be amazed at your progress!

Your brain naturally is going to forget experiences that you do not like, it is natural and remember things you want to remember or that make you happy. If focus on the language and how fun it is to learn, your brain will soak up the information like a sponge! You want to be excited about learning English so that you can use it in your everyday life. Speaking with native speakers, watching movies, reading books- all of these are great ways to improve your language skills

Self doubt kills dreams 

The IELTS exam is important, but it’s not the end of the world. In fact, I believe that recently this test has been blown out of proportion. Being an English teacher, I have heard many students asking if they can “teach” the test. It’s crazy! The IELTS exam is actually on English language reading, writing, speaking, and listening. I want to stress to my students that this test is about confidence in your own self. Your results are based on your confidence levels. So, being a confident speaker 90% of the time is half of the battle with English learning!

Confidence is key when it comes to taking the IELTS exam. Remember, learning English should be enjoyable this is the first point to learn fast it makes it 100 times easier if you enjoy it . Laugh learn and enjoy the process along the way. Confidence in learning comes with a relaxed state of mind and enjoying the journey.

The common confusions of Learning language and importance of loving what you are learning When you are learning something you want to learn your brain naturally will focus on the areas that you are enjoying. If you hate grammar, then stop trying to learn it! Focus on the parts of English language learning that bring you joy. This will make the process easier and faster for you. Also, remember that practice makes perfect so don’t be afraid to speak.

So don’t be disheartened by any so-called “IELTS COACH” or “IELTS SPECIALIST” who tells you that you need to buy more of their products in order to do well on the IELTS exam. Remember, this is just a sales gimmick to get your money! The most important thing going into the IELTS test is your own confidence and belief in your abilities. Believe that you can do it, because if you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else will. And with enough practice and hard work, you will be able to achieve your desired band score and prove all those naysayers wrong! Are you ready to start learning? Laugh more and speak English fluently today

I have not been teaching language for as long some of the other so called English Teachers out there however they have existed longer and have more experience than me I admit that. But one thing I promise you, is because something has been done 1000 years the same way does not mean it is the best way. This is the definition of “stuck in your ways”

Before you begin learning English, our new AI-based tutor will learn everything about you. By using a computerized algorithm, we help you improve your English language fluency by making you feel confident in your abilities, correcting your mistakes after you make them, and only teaching you what you need to know. If you don’t achieve a better result on your upcoming IELTS after using our program, I will refund your money plus an additional three months of English classes.


Using the same framework of testing as reference as IELTS testing you can do this test as many times as you want you will never need to be nervous again.

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