Category Archives: reading

Increase Your English: Low Cost Way To Learn English Online now

?Learning English with our 7 day free trial and for lesson then 70cents per day [...]


25 Reasons to Learn in the Right Way

There are a lot of different reasons why people might want to learn new information. [...]


Flipped Learning In A School Setting

Flipped classroom is a learning strategy and blended learning that aims to increase student engagement [...]

Global Education Is Now A Reality

Learning without Boundaries LWB first brought this vision to Minnesota through our Wash and Learn [...]

Centuries old Learning Systems and How it Effects Students

Factory Model Education Our K-12 system still largely adheres to the factory education model of [...]

Why you need a gamified life of learning

Gamification in Learning Gamification of learning is an educational approach that aims to motivate students [...]


Children Or Adults: who’s the better learner

Fluency is Harder for Adults Than for Children It is widely believed that children learn [...]

Mind-Blowing Tactics Of Motivational Speakers  

Start your conversation with a neat insider tip or a surprising statistic from a study [...]

Talking to large groups: a true guide

Why Do You Get Nervous and How to Overcome it?   Do you get nervous when [...]

How To Deal With Political Correctness At Work

Normally, it is a good idea if you are in the office to leave it [...]