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- Full Digital Courseware Designed for Motivated Self Learning Students
- 32,000 Full Lessons from our Academic Curriculum aligned with all Parameters of Testings (CEFR)
- Native English Teachers Available
- Speech Correction Tool for Instant Corrections and one of a kind grammar checking tool designed for student specific homework

Your current learning Level is C2. According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Testing (CEFR)
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Modules you will complete before you advance to the next level

Learn Laugh Speak C2 Academic Learning Curriculum
What Students "can do" confidently progressing to the next level
- Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.
- Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts incoherent presentation.
- Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently, and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.
- Adjectives and Modifiers. Countable and Uncountable Nouns. How Much/How Many. Few/Little. Much/Many. Some, Any, Something Anything, Nothing, Nobody.
- Comparatives and Superlatives. Verb + Ing (like/hate/love). Future with Will. Modal Verbs (can/can’t/could/couldn’t).
- Imperatives (have to/need to) to express obligation. Present Simple for future facts. Future Simple for future facts.
- Modal Verbs (would/’d + like to)
- Adverbs of Frequency
Functions of Language
- Discuss issues related to science and technology, including robots and new inventions.
- Talk about celebrities, celebrity activism and gossip about celebrities.
- Use a variety of techniques for promoting creativity in your speech and writing.
- Discuss financial planning and give and understand advice about personal finance.
- Talk about stress in your life and the lives of friends and colleagues.
- Discuss techniques for doing research on a wide rage of topics.
Module 1 - Busy Time
Educational Goal:
- Practice talking about routine, duration, and frequency of activities.
- Review using irregular verbs in the Simple Past.
- Learn the use of Frequency Adverbs.
- Introduce several ways of talking about time.
- Review the Present Tense.
- Learn propositions used to talk about place (corners/across/front of).
Functions of language:
- Talking about daily activities as well as their frequency and duration.
- Talking about actions and events in the past.
- Telling Time.
- Describing the position of things and people.
- Describing locations and giving simple directions.
Module 2
Educational Goal:
- Learn Adjectives and Modifiers.
- Learn Comparatives.
- Review Which x What/Why x Because.
- Learn Countable and Uncountable Nouns.
- Learn Superlatives.
- Review Going To and Past Simple (irregular verbs)
Functions of language:
- Talking about people and things, describing their characteristics and locations.
- Making comparisons.
- Asking and understanding questions about preferences and motivations.
- Talking about quantity.
- Talking about actions and events in the past.
- Talking about actions and events in the future.
Module 3
Educational Goal:
- Review How Much/How Many.
- Learn the Imperative form.
- Learn Modal Verbs (can/can’t, could/couldn’t).
- Learn Some/Any/Something/Anything/Nothing/Nobody.
- Review Comparatives and Superlatives.
Functions of language:
- Talking about the quantity of things.
- Asking about the quantity of things.
- Talking about abilities, possibilities, and permission.
- Making suggestions and offers.
- Making comparisons.
- Describing things and people using superlatives.
Module 4
Educational Goal:
- Learn talking about the future using Will.
- Learn the difference between ‘Will’ and ‘Going To’.
- Review Frequency Adverbs.
- Review Some, Any, Something, Anything, Nothing, Nobody.
- Review Can, Can’t, Could, Couldn’t.
Functions of language:
- Talking about future arrangements.
- Talking about immediate future.
- Talking about indefinite things and indefinite quantity.
- Talking about abilities, possibilities, and permission.
- Making suggestions and offers.
Module 5
Educational Goal:
- Learn how to use Have To/Need To when talking about obligation.
- Review How Much/How Many.
- Learn how to use the Present Simple when talking about future facts.
- Review There Is/There Are.
- Learn how to use the Simple Future when talking about future facts.
Functions of language:
- Talking about needs and obligations.
- Talking about the quantity of things.
- Talking about future events.
- Describing locations and the positions of things and people.
Module 6
Educational Goal:
- Review the Past Simple (irregular verbs).
- Review Comparatives.
- Review How Many/How Much.
- Review Going To.
- Review the difference between Superlatives and Comparatives.
Functions of language:
- Talking about past actions and events.
- Making comparisons.
- Talking about the quantity of things.
- Talking about the future.
- Describing things and people using superlatives.
Module 7
Educational Goal:
- Learn Would/Would + like.
- Review Will.
Functions of language:
- Talking about wishes and aspirations.
- Talking about future events.
Module 8
Educational Goal:
- Review Countable and Uncountable Nouns.
- Review Comparatives and Superlatives.
- Review How Many and How Much.
- Review Can, Can’t, Could, Couldn’t.
- Review Would.
- Review Will.
- Review Can, Can’t, Could, Couldn’t.
Functions of language:
- Talking about the quantity of things.
- Making questions about the quantity of things.
- Making comparisons.
- Describing things and people.
- Talking about the future.
- Making suggestions and offers.
- Talking about abilities, possibilities, and permission.
The fluency Program
Success Stories From Students
I started using Learn Laugh Speaks English two months ago. I was shocked so when Bryce asked me to write this review I was happy to help. Now my business conversations are clear. My tasks for work and directions are understood quickly and overall the most important thing for me is that I enjoy using English now.

I work full-time and it's been difficult for me to find time to study English. With this program, I can get the same results as if I had spent hours studying but in just a fraction of the time! It's an excellent tool for those

I've never been a fluent English speaker and have had trouble with this throughout my life. So glad to find this program thanks teacher

I've been trying to learn English for a few weeks now and I would say that the Learn Laugh Speak Fluency Program has been the best for me. I am a beginner and it's great that I can speak without fear of mistakes. It's also really helpful- my speech has improved immensely since starting this program! Thanks LLS for showing me some confidence.

I'd like to share a little about the Program for English by LLS I've been using. It's been such a wonderful tool for me, as it allows me to speak and Speak on my own, which is great because I'm not afraid any more.

In the past, I have always been intimidated by speaking and making mistakes. I have really seen confidence grow and now my English is finally coming together quickly.

If you are learning English, the Learn Laugh Speak Fluency Program is a must-have. I was terrified to make mistakes, but this program made me feel confident that I could handle any situation. My English has improved greatly and I have met many new friends who are also trying to learn.

My major is English and I am in my last year of college. It has always been intimidating for me to speak in public and make mistakes. I am speaking more confidently and making fewer mistakes after one month of the Learn Laugh Speak Fluency Program. Thanks for the great program!

Even though I have been studying English for years and years I was always scared to speaking. Now I am able to speak freely and on the phone while still thinking in English and it is like all has finally come together like puzzle

I have been learning English for years and years and I am shocked I never did this before. Starting to make up for lost time! Really happy to finally see progress. Thanks guys.

I have been learning English for years and years and I am shocked that I never did the Learn Laugh Speak Fluency Program for English before. My words flow better, my accent is more clear, and I can finally express myself without struggling. It's amazing that all these things happened once I made the decision to take this program.