Breaking Down Australian Slang for English Learners

Happy Australia Day! Are you an English learner looking to pick up some Australian slang?

Learning the local vernacular can be intimidating, so we’re here to help break it down.

In this blog post, we’ll provide a comprehensive list of Australian slang and its meanings so that you can easily understand and use the phrases in conversation with native speakers. So sit back, relax, and let’s learn some Aussie lingo!

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Australian Slang – G’day – Hello, Hey, Hola! 

G’day is one of the most commonly used Australian slang words, and is both a greeting and a farewell. It is generally used to greet someone, similar to “hello”, and can be used when you first meet someone or when you want to acknowledge someone you know. G’day is also sometimes used as a way of saying goodbye.

When using g’day in conversation, it is important to note that the word has a few different connotations depending on how it is used. When used to say hello, it has a casual and friendly tone, however when used to say goodbye, it may sound more formal or direct. It is important to take into account the context of the conversation and the person you are speaking to in order to properly use the slang correctly.

Overall, g’day is an important and iconic slang term for anyone learning English in Australia. It is great for helping you feel more confident when conversing with native speakers, and is sure to help make you feel like a true Aussie!

-Australian Slang – She’ll be right – It’s going to be okay

This is a phrase that you may often hear in Australia. It is a very popular expression used by Australians to express that everything is going to be ok. This phrase can be used in many different situations and contexts.
For example, if you are in the middle of a difficult situation, you may hear someone say “she’ll be right”, which means “it will work out”. The phrase also implies that although things may seem challenging, there is no need to worry.

In other contexts, this phrase can also be used to imply that something isn’t worth worrying about. For example, if you make a mistake while speaking English, someone may tell you “she’ll be right”, which means “don’t worry about it”.

Finally, the phrase “she’ll be right” can also be used to show support. If someone is going through a tough time, someone may say “she’ll be right” to offer support and reassurance.
So, the next time you are in Australia and someone says “she’ll be right”, remember that it’s an expression of reassurance, support, and optimism.

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Fair dinkum – True, genuine, honest

Fair dinkum is an Australian slang term which means true, genuine, and honest. It is used to describe something that is real and reliable. This phrase is often used to describe someone’s integrity or something of good quality.

For example, when a friend asks you if they can borrow your car you might say “yes, sure, it’s fair dinkum”. This means that your offer is genuine and honest, and not just empty words.
It can also be used to describe something that is of good quality.

For instance, if someone tells you that their car runs like a dream you might reply “fair dinkum? That’s great!” This expression conveys the idea that you believe them and appreciate the quality of what they are saying.

The phrase “fair dinkum” is also sometimes used in a negative way. If someone has done something to let you down, you might say “that’s not very fair dinkum” to express your disappointment.
So, the next time you hear an Australian using the phrase “fair dinkum”, you’ll know that they mean true, genuine and honest.

Australian Slang – Morn = Morning

Morn is an Australian slang word for ‘morning’, and is used as a friendly greeting. It can be used as a simple way of saying hello when you meet someone in the morning. For example, if you are running late to work and you see someone on the street, you could say “Morn!”.

This is an informal way of saying ‘good morning’, and can be a great way to show someone that you are friendly. It is also commonly used amongst friends who greet each other in the morning. Instead of saying ‘good morning’, you might hear them say “Morn!”.

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Avagoodweekend – Have a good weekend

Avagoodweekend is a common Australian phrase used to wish someone a good weekend. It is a combination of the words ‘ava’ (have) and ‘good weekend’. This phrase can be used in a variety of ways; it can be used as a simple greeting, as a farewell or to send your best wishes to someone.

When saying ‘Avagoodweekend’ you are basically wishing someone a great weekend ahead. It is often used when people are saying goodbye at the end of the week, or when they are wishing someone a nice weekend break. You can also use it as a way of reminding someone that the weekend is coming up and they should enjoy it.

The phrase ‘Avagoodweekend’ is typically used among friends, family, and colleagues. It can be used in both casual and more formal settings. It is also seen as an expression of good-will, so it is always nice to use it when you can.

So the next time you say goodbye to someone, why not give them an ‘Avagoodweekend’? It might just put a smile on their face!

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Australian Slang – I’m gunna = I am going to

One of the most common phrases used in Australian English is ‘I’m gunna.’ This phrase is often used to indicate that something is going to happen, similar to the phrase ‘I am going to.’ For example, you might hear an Australian say ‘I’m gunna go to the beach this weekend’ or ‘I’m gunna get a coffee.’

The phrase ‘I’m gunna’ is often seen as less formal than ‘I’m going to’ and it may be used in more casual conversations. It is often associated with the Australian colloquialism of speaking quickly and using words that are easy to pronounce and remember.

It’s also important to note that ‘gunna’ is not considered to be standard English, so it is best to use ‘going to’ when writing formally or in more professional contexts.
Overall, ‘I’m gunna’ is a useful phrase for English learners to become familiar with when speaking with native Australians as it can be heard quite often in casual conversations.


Australian Slang – reckon = think, believe

Reckon is an Australian slang term that is used to express the idea of thinking or believing something. It is most commonly used in place of the words “think” or “believe” when speaking with native English speakers.

For example, if someone were to ask you what you think of a certain situation, you might reply “I reckon it’s a good idea”, meaning that you believe it is a good idea. It can also be used to express agreement with something, such as “I reckon so” when asked if you agree with something.

Reckon is a useful term for English learners to become familiar with, as it will help them better understand native English speakers and can help them feel more comfortable speaking in the language. It is also an important term to learn if you plan to spend time in Australia, as it is widely used in everyday conversations.

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Australian Slang – mate = friend

Mate is one of the most commonly used words in Australia and is used by Australians to refer to their friends. It can be used in a variety of contexts and is usually used between people who are close friends. For example, someone may say “Hey mate” when they see a friend, or “G’day mate” when greeting them. It can also be used to emphasize something, such as “You’re my mate, and I’ll always have your back”.

Mate is not a gender-specific term; both men and women can use it to refer to friends of either gender. It’s an expression of camaraderie, which is why it’s so widely used.
So if you ever find yourself speaking to an Australian, don’t be surprised if they refer to you as “mate”. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are trying to be friendly or overly familiar; they just want to show that they care and recognize the relationship you share.


give it a go – try it

The phrase “give it a go” is an Australian slang term which basically means to try something. It’s a very encouraging phrase, which implies that you should take a risk and see what happens. It’s an exhortation for someone to have a go and see how it turns out.

This phrase is commonly used by Australians in everyday conversation, usually in the context of trying something new or different. For example, if you are thinking of starting a business, your Australian friend might encourage you to “give it a go”, meaning that they think you should give it a try.

When learning English, giving something a go can also be beneficial. By taking risks and trying out new words, phrases and sentences, you can improve your speaking and understanding of the language. Even if it doesn’t go perfectly first time, at least you’ve tried and learnt something new.

The phrase “give it a go” is also useful when talking about activities or tasks. If someone suggests an activity, for example going for a walk, you could encourage them by saying “let’s give it a go”. This gives them the push they need to actually do it!

So, the next time you are feeling unsure or apprehensive about something, just remember: give it a go!

Arvo – Afternoon

The word “arvo” is an Australian slang word for “afternoon.” It’s usually used in informal contexts, when you’re talking to someone you know well, like a friend or family member. For example, if you were talking to a friend about what you had planned for the day, you might say “I’m gunna head out this arvo” (I’m going to head out this afternoon).

In addition to being used in conversation, arvo is often used as part of a greeting or farewell. For example, you might say “G’day, how was your arvo?” (Hello, how was your afternoon?) when greeting someone. Similarly, you might say “See ya later arvo!” (See you later afternoon!) when saying goodbye.

Overall, arvo is a fun and casual way of saying afternoon and it’s commonly used in Australian English. So next time you hear someone say “arvo,” you know they are talking about the afternoon!

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We take pride in our Australian origins and make sure we stay true to them in the way we conduct our business. We are a proudly Australian owned company that believes in the power of learning. Our approach to language learning is designed to be user friendly, fun and engaging for our customers.
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