Stop Saying My English is Bad Say This Instead

When working in an English-speaking workplace, it can be easy to feel intimidated by the language barrier and assume your English is not up to par. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Instead of saying “my English is bad”, there are many other phrases you can use to express that you are still learning the language. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore 5 phrases to say instead of “my English is bad” in the workplace. 

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1) Sorry, I’m still learning

It is understandable to be embarrassed to admit that your English isn’t perfect in the workplace. However, the best thing to do is to be open and honest about your language abilities. Instead of saying “My English is bad”, try using phrases such as “Sorry, I’m still learning” or “I’m trying hard to learn English”. This shows that you are open to learning and also acknowledges that language can be difficult to master.

In addition to “Sorry, I’m still learning”, there are other phrases you can use instead of saying “My English is bad”. You could try asking for clarification such as “Can you repeat that again?” or “Would you mind repeating that for me one more time?”. Asking for clarification shows that you are actively engaged in the conversation, while also indicating that you may not have fully understood what was said.

You could also try phrases such as “I did not catch that” or “Can you say that again for me?”, which show a sense of humility while making it clear that English is not your first language.

It is important to remember that language learning is a long process and everyone makes mistakes. By using phrases such as “Sorry, I’m still learning” or asking for clarification, you can indicate that your language skills are developing without feeling embarrassed about making mistakes.

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2) I have been learning English for sometime but sometimes I still misunderstand, can you repeat that again?

This phrase is particularly useful in customer service and hospitality jobs where English is a second language. When communicating with customers or guests, it is important to understand what they are saying in order to provide the best service. If a customer or guest is speaking quickly or using words you are unfamiliar with, you can use this phrase as a polite way to ask them to repeat themselves.

This can also help to avoid misunderstandings, as it shows that you value their input and want to be sure that you understand them correctly. It is a good idea to practice using this phrase beforehand so that you feel more comfortable using it when interacting with customers and guests.

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3) Would you mind repeating that for me one more time as I am still learning English?

This phrase can be a great tool for any customer service or hospitality job where English is a second language. When speaking with customers or colleagues who don’t understand your native language, you may find yourself struggling to communicate effectively. 

In these situations, it can be helpful to politely ask them to repeat themselves if you didn’t understand something they said. Doing so shows respect and appreciation for their efforts to help you understand them.

In customer service and hospitality jobs, this phrase can be a great way to show the customer that you are listening and trying your best to understand them. It can also help create a better understanding between both parties. 

By stating that you are still learning English, you are showing your willingness to learn and adapt in order to provide the best service possible.

Additionally, this phrase can help to reduce any potential conflict that may arise from a miscommunication. It can create a more positive environment where the customer feels appreciated and respected. 

Ultimately, it is important to remember that when working in customer service or hospitality jobs, communication is key.

By politely asking someone to repeat themselves when needed, you can ensure a smooth conversation and an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.


4) I’m sorry, I did not catch that. I am trying hard to learn English but sometimes I misunderstand?

This phrase is particularly useful for those who work in customer service or hospitality jobs where English is a second language. In these situations, it can be difficult to communicate clearly due to language barriers. 

This phrase is an effective way to communicate without offending anyone and show that you are making an effort to understand.

For example, if a customer were speaking in English to a hospitality worker and the worker didn’t quite understand what they said, they could use this phrase to politely let the customer know that they need more clarification. 

It conveys the message that the worker is trying to learn English, but still has difficulty understanding sometimes.

It also shows respect for the customer by acknowledging that their language might be difficult to understand.

This phrase can also be used in other scenarios, such as when a coworker is speaking and you don’t understand their words. Using this phrase will help avoid any awkwardness or confusion and help get the conversation back on track.

By using this phrase, you can effectively and respectfully communicate that you need more clarity without embarrassing yourself or the other person.

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5) Sorry, can you say that again for me, English is not my first language and I am still learning?

This phrase can be used in customer service or hospitality jobs where English is a second language to let customers know that you are still learning and may not have understood them correctly. 

This phrase is useful for customer service representatives, waiters, hosts, or any other employee who interacts with customers and clients on a daily basis.

By using this phrase, it conveys your understanding of their frustration while also letting them know that you are doing your best to understand and accommodate their requests. 

Furthermore, it lets the customer or client know that you are still developing your language skills and are willing to try your best to understand them.


The Wrap-Up of Never Saying You are Bad At Anything

The bottom line is that it is never helpful to say that you are bad at something. Instead, focus on your efforts and recognize the progress you’ve made in improving your skills. 

As an English speaker in the workplace, using phrases like “I’m still learning” or “I’m sorry, can you repeat that for me?” is an effective way to show that you’re trying hard to communicate without putting yourself down.

Having positive self-talk and believing in yourself is the best way to learn a new language and make sure you succeed in whatever goals you have.


English Learning Can Open Up New Business & Personal Opportunities

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