10 Ways to Say Sorry With Empathy in English

10 Ways to Say Sorry With Empathy in English and Show You Truly Mean it

When it comes to making a mistake or hurting someone’s feelings, saying “sorry” can be difficult.

However, saying sorry in the right way can make all the difference.

Whether you are a student of English or a business professional, it is important to learn how to apologize with empathy and compassion.

Here are 10 phrases that you can use to express your regret and show genuine remorse when you need to say sorry in English.

1) I’m sorry for what happened.

This phrase is a very sincere way of expressing regret and apology. It can be used in a business environment to apologize for any missteps or mistakes that were made.

It is important to say this phrase with genuine empathy, as it conveys a deep level of understanding and respect for the other person.

This phrase can be used when a mistake was made that affected someone else, or when an action or behavior caused another person pain or discomfort. This phrase is also appropriate when you are trying to make amends for a situation that you may have caused.

In a business environment, this phrase is best used after an apology has already been offered, as it expresses an even deeper level of remorse. It is also an effective way of showing that you are taking full responsibility for your actions and any consequences that may have occurred as a result.

For example, if you were late to a meeting and kept everyone waiting, you could apologize and then follow it up with

“I’m sorry for what happened.”

This conveys that you understand the seriousness of your actions and are genuinely sorry for the disruption it caused.

asking politely. How to ask correctly written on a notepad.2) I’m sorry that I hurt you.

This phrase is a sincere apology that expresses regret and empathy for hurting someone.

It conveys the message that you acknowledge the negative impact of your actions and that you are sorry for it.

This phrase can be used in many situations, such as when you have unintentionally hurt someone’s feelings, offended them or made a mistake.

In a business environment, this phrase could be used in various situations, such as apologizing to a customer or colleague for an error or mishap.

For example, if you were late delivering an order to a customer, you could say “I’m sorry that I hurt you by not delivering on time.” Additionally, this phrase can be used when you’ve had a disagreement with a coworker.

For instance, if your disagreement with a coworker caused tension between you two, you could apologize by saying

“I’m sorry that I hurt you by our disagreement.”

In either case, this phrase conveys remorse for the hurt that was caused.


3) I’m sorry for causing you pain.

This phrase is used when someone has been hurt or made to feel bad due to something you said or did. It is an expression of remorse and empathy and is especially appropriate in business situations.

Examples of when to use this phrase might include when you have made a mistake that has caused someone to be upset, when you have failed to do something that someone expected of you, or when you have said something that has hurt someone’s feelings.

In order to express true remorse, it is important to look the other person in the eye and give them a genuine apology. Use sincere language and avoid making excuses or shifting blame. Also, make sure to take responsibility for your actions and be willing to accept the consequences. Saying “I’m sorry for causing you pain” is a good way to show understanding and empathy for the situation.

4) I’m sorry for what I did wrong.

This phrase is a direct way to express your remorse for your mistake. It can be used in many different contexts, such as in a professional environment, or when you’ve hurt someone’s feelings.

For example, if you’ve made a mistake at work, you could say this phrase to your colleagues or boss to show that you understand what you did wrong and regret it.

Additionally, if you’ve hurt someone emotionally or physically, this phrase is an appropriate way to express your sorrow and apologize.

When using this phrase, it is important to be sincere. Don’t just say this phrase as an automatic response; make sure that you really mean it and that you understand the impact of your mistake.

Additionally, it’s important to take responsibility for your actions and accept any consequences that come as a result.

This phrase is a powerful way to demonstrate your understanding of the situation and show your regret.

5) I’m truly sorry.how to show empathy as an English student written in text.

When you want to express your sincere remorse, this is a phrase that can help you convey your genuine regret. You might use it in a business setting when you’ve made a mistake and need to apologize for it. For example, you might say “I’m truly sorry for not meeting the deadline,” or “I’m truly sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.”

It’s important to remember that this phrase isn’t just empty words—it conveys that you understand the gravity of the situation and are sorry for your actions. It’s especially powerful when used in combination with other phrases that demonstrate your empathy, such as

“I’m sorry that I hurt you” 

“I apologize for my actions.”

By using these phrases together, you can create an apology that shows your understanding and regret.

6) I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart.

This phrase is a very sincere way to apologize for something that you feel terrible about. It expresses a deep sense of regret and remorse, and is a good way to show that you are truly sorry for your actions.
When you say this phrase, it conveys that the mistake you made was serious and that you regret it deeply.

This phrase can be used in both formal and informal situations, and it conveys a high level of sincerity.

It is important to remember that apologizing from the bottom of your heart is not the same as making excuses or shifting the blame to someone else.

When apologizing, focus on what you did wrong and take full responsibility for your actions.

By expressing your genuine remorse with this phrase, it can help to heal any hurt feelings and foster understanding between you and the other person.

“I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart”

It is a powerful way to show that you truly regret what happened and want to make amends.

7) I apologize for my actions.

When you need to apologize for something you have done, this phrase is a great way to convey your sincerity and understanding. You may use this phrase when you have made an error in judgment or have been wrong in a business situation. This phrase expresses your remorse for the situation and shows that you understand the impact of your actions.

For example, if you are working in a team and make a mistake that affects the outcome of a project, it is important to apologize for your actions.

This phrase shows that you recognize what you did wrong and are willing to take responsibility for it. It is also useful when speaking with clients, customers, or colleagues and wanting to convey a sense of understanding and regret.

When used appropriately, this phrase can help to repair relationships and improve communication in business situations.

It is important to remember that while apologizing is important, it is not a substitute for actually taking action to rectify the situation.

Be sure to follow up on your apology with specific steps to address the issue at hand.

8) Please forgive me.

This phrase is a very empathetic way of expressing regret and asking for forgiveness. It is often used when one has done something wrong, or as an apology for a mistake made.

In a business environment, this phrase can be used to apologize for an incident that may have caused inconvenience or distress to colleagues or customers.

For example, if you made an error in a customer order, it may be appropriate to say

“Please forgive me for the mistake I made.”

Or, if you were late to a meeting, you could say

“Please forgive me for being late.”

In any case, this phrase is best used when the situation requires a more sincere apology.

The use of this phrase suggests that you are aware of the wrong you have done and are seeking forgiveness. It implies that you take responsibility for your actions and are willing to make amends.

9) I hope you can forgive me.

This phrase is a great way to express your regret and seek forgiveness when you have done something wrong. It can be used in a variety of situations, from casual conversations to formal business settings. When saying this phrase, be sure to express genuine remorse in order to show that you are truly sorry for the mistake.

In a business setting, you might use this phrase when apologizing for a mistake or miscommunication.

For example, if you had made an error in a report you sent to a client, you could say

“I hope you can forgive me for my mistake in the report.”

This shows that you recognize your wrongdoing and are sincerely asking for forgiveness.

You might also use this phrase when apologizing for a lack of professionalism. For example, if you had raised your voice at a colleague, you could say “I hope you can forgive me for my unprofessional behavior.” This would show that you are aware of how your actions impacted others and are sincerely asking for their forgiveness.

No matter the context, I hope you can forgive me is a simple yet powerful phrase that conveys your regret and asks for absolution. By using this phrase, you can show that you understand the impact of your mistake and are truly sorry for what happened.

10) Thank you for understanding.

When you want to express your appreciation for someone understanding your mistake and not taking offense, this is the phrase to use. It is a polite way of acknowledging the other person’s goodwill and allowing them to forgive you.

In a business environment, you might use this phrase when apologizing to a customer, colleague, or superior.

For example, if you had to reschedule an appointment because of a misunderstanding, you could say,

“I apologize for any inconvenience I caused. Thank you for understanding.”

You could also use this phrase in a more general apology.

For instance, if you had made a mistake that was preventing the completion of a project, you could say,

“I understand the impact of my mistake. Thank you for understanding.”

No matter the situation, “Thank you for understanding” is a kind way of acknowledging the other person’s understanding and forgiveness.

It is a great way to show gratitude and respect in English-speaking business environments.

Thank you for reading!

This was written by me. Bryce Purnell, founder of Learn Laugh Speak.

Check out more on my Medium or send me an email if you have a question! 


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